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Heritage Doors: Traditional Steel Doors with an Industrial Look
These Art Deco style single or double doors will create a stylish appearance in traditional and modern homes. Their aesthetic appeal is striking, adding character and elegance alike.
Door Deals, Offers & Discounts
Need an external door on a budget? Perhaps you always dreamed of internal bifold doors but couldn't quite afford them. Maybe you'd like to add some fire doors for less. We have a selection of styles with special offers and discounts to help you make that dream home a reality.
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Heritage Doors: Traditional Steel Doors with an Industrial Look
These Art Deco style single or double doors will create a stylish appearance in traditional and modern homes. Their aesthetic appeal is striking, adding character and elegance alike.
Door Deals, Offers & Discounts
Need an external door on a budget? Perhaps you always dreamed of internal bifold doors but couldn't quite afford them. Maybe you'd like to add some fire doors for less. We have a selection of styles with special offers and discounts to help you make that dream home a reality.
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Should you have any questions about any of our products or aftercare, please don't hesitate to contact us on the following details:
Are you looking for the right Fire Doors for your home with generous savings to help your budget stretch further? Browse our deals, offers, and discounts on fire doors.
Prices from £49.99 - £575.10
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Fire-rated doors go through rigorous testing to make sure they offer adequate fire protection. We stock fire doors in various styles to offer you safety and charm all in one package. You don't have to compromise on performance to get a bargain price. Everything in our deals section has been fire rated based on its ability to stop the spread of smoke and flames.
Internal doors have the ability to make or break a room, so you don't want unappealing fire-rated doors to spoil your decor. With our large range, there's no need to worry. Our range includes a wide selection of modern and traditional fire doors to suit your rooms. We'll have different items on sale regularly, so keep an eye on this page.
Your internal fire door can include glass and still resist fire. In fact, glazed internal fire doors are becoming much more popular. Check out our deals collection to save on the fire door style to suit your building. Nothing feels as good as a bargain!
Get in touch if you need help with anything or if you have any questions about our products.
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